The Year of Online Promotions
May 2018 - Dec 2018
HUG (Korea Housing & Urban Guarantee Corporation)
Main work: promote the organization's message and products
Managed 20 student reporters called 'Hug Friends'
- Coordinate monthly topics to write, and edit articles from student reporters
Assist promotions for Guarantee Products
- Made posters, flyers, pamphlets, and a commercial video
- Contact with online communities to make advertisement
- Participate in Youthday festival booth
Managed online social media(Instagram and blog) contents
- Instagram: Created and uploaded content 3 times a week, Average increase of Likes 20 → 60~80
- Blog: Planned and created content every once a week, Achieved more than 10,000 views with trending contents

Mar 2018 - Dec 2018
Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency
Focused on communicating with mass media
- Recruited reporters individually to an offline event
- Aided in publishing a contribution article
Held a promotion booth in public, created posters to spread the message of safety
Assisted in making a new slogan, posters, pickets, and promotion swags